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By On

Perumahan Minimalis Gading Sentosa Residence.
Jl. Raya Papan Mas, Belakang Mall Naga Tambun-Bekasi Timur

- Type 27/60 Harga KPR Rp.228.000.000
- DP Rp 57.000.000,-


Pondasi Batu Kali
Sloof Beton Bertulang
Lantai Ruang Utama Keramik (40x40)
Lantai Kamar Mandi WC
Dinding Hebel/Bata Merah
Palfond GRC Fisnishing Cat
Atap Baja Ringan
Genteng metal roof
Closet Duduk
Listrik 1300 Watt

5 komentar


mantap dah artikelnya :)
salam blogger


Do not always say "can not afford" before you try to make yourself capable

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